Bernard Rosauer, President
Bernard Rosauer began working as the WCRB's President in 2010 and is responsible for overall bureau functions. He has 26 years of property and casualty insurance industry experience working with both public and mutual insurance companies. He also worked as business consultant with a focus on business culture and customer loyalty. Mr. Rosauer graduated from North Park University in Chicago, IL with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Business Administration in 1987 and has completed several executive education courses at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Tad Cleveland, Senior Vice President of Technical Services
Tad Cleveland joined the WCRB in 2005 in the capacity of Audit and Inspection Manager. Currently the Senior Vice President of Technical Services, he is responsible for the areas of Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Insurance Pool (WWCIP) administration, Inspection, Wisconsin Contractor's Premium Adjustment Program (WCPAP) and Ownership. Before joining the WCRB, Mr. Cleveland spent 19 years in the premium audit field working for Heritage Mutual, EBI Companies, and United Heartland. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting from Iowa State University.
Beth Nickel, Vice President of Operations
Beth Nickel is Vice President of Operations at the WCRB. Ms. Nickel graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and joined the WCRB in 1995. She has held positions both in Operations and Information Technology, where she was a Business Analyst and Project Manager and oversaw many projects, including the development of the wcrb.org Web site. Ms. Nickel is responsible for the Policy Processing, Unit Statistical, Experience Rating, and Industry Support areas and represents WCRB on various external committees and task groups.
Michelle Swessel, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Information Technology
Michelle Swessel graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She spent 22 years in the Mortgage Insurance industry starting in Finance and then transitioned to roles within the Information Technology Department. She joined the WCRB in 2012 as a Business Analyst and Project Manager. She has a Project Management Professional certification and Worker Compensation Professional certification. Mrs. Swessel's responsibilities include managing the WCRB, WAIP and WIFDRA web sites, IT Infrastructure, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, providing IT support for external and internal customers, and representing WCRB on various committees and task groups.
Laura Vande Hey, Vice President of Human Resources and Accounting
Laura Vande Hey has a BA in English from the UW-Madison and an MBA from Edgewood College. She has 22 years of experience in Wisconsin state government, including six years at the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance as an Advanced Examiner and 16 years at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as a Policy and Programs Supervisor with the Bureau of Transportation Safety. Laura joined the WCRB in 2022 and serves as the Vice President of Human Resources and Accounting. She oversees the financial operations of the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau (WCRB), Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Insurance Pool (WWCIP), and the Wisconsin Automobile Insurance Plan (WAIP). She also manages the Human Resource operations, which includes Salary Administration, Benefit and Compliance Administration, as well as recruitment of WCRB staff.